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Hi, I'm Bre'Yanna Mitriece

A few years ago, I found myself in a challenging place, struggling with my self-esteem and trying to navigate life and love after my divorce. The emotional impact of the separation left me feeling shattered. Instead of focusing on deep healing, I found myself caught up in shallow relationships. These connections were with men who provided temporary fun, but I was unwilling to be vulnerable and let them truly get to know me. I built protective walls around my heart, determined not to let anyone hurt me again. However, this guarded approach and emotional distance led me to engage with individuals who were not the best fit for my well-being. As a result, these relationships left me feeling unsatisfied and empty. I reached a low point where I realized I needed to change the way I treated myself and the types of people and experiences I allowed into my life. I understood that in order to experience something different, I needed to start with myself. This realization marked the beginning of a transformational journey towards self-love and personal growth.

October 14, 2014, was the starting point of a brand new phase in my life. As I stood in front of the mirror, the reflection looking back at me seemed unfamiliar. It hit me hard that I had let myself reach a point where I no longer valued or respected who I was. In that vulnerable moment, I had a deep and meaningful conversation with myself. Through tears and a strong sense of personal accountability, I made a heartfelt commitment to prioritize love, healing, and a path towards a healthy life. Most importantly, I decided to prioritize my own well-being. In the days that followed, I began what I affectionately call my healing journey. This inward exploration led me to an incredible realization: love resides within me. I connected with my true, authentic self and uncovered a source of love that was just waiting to be acknowledged and embraced.

Engaging in "The Healing Work" hasn't always been easy. It required grace, compassion, patience, commitment, forgiveness, and setting boundaries. However, the effort has been truly rewarding, as loving myself has transformed me in multiple ways. Nurturing self-love allowed me to rebuild my self-esteem, boost my confidence, and develop a profound appreciation for who I am. Along the way, I've embraced personal growth and cultivated healthy habits. I've also surrounded myself with a supportive community consisting of loving family, friends, and romantic relationships. This journey has sparked a tremendous awakening within me, and I continue to heal, grow, and evolve. I want you to experience the genuine, authentic love that stems from within. Self-love is a practice that involves appreciating, accepting, aligning, and embracing authenticity. It's kind and patient. It means making yourself a priority in mind, body, and soul. It's an ever-present flow of energy. Ultimately, we are love. We choose love. We feel love. We act in love.

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Since the publication of my book, "Falling in Love with Yourself," in 2015, my purpose has been to help women lead Healthy, Happy, and Whole Lives. I work alongside women to create a nurturing space that allows them to connect with their inner selves and embody love. My approach revolves around four core principles: Authenticity, Appreciation, Acceptance, and Alignment. Life presents its own challenges, but by staying grounded in these principles and equipping yourself with tools to navigate life, you can still experience peace and joy—a true victory for your soul.

As an Author, Speaker, and Coach, I bring together my years of teaching experience, background in psychology, and personal journey to provide you with the guidance and resources you need. Together, we'll uncover your inner wounds, address unhealthy thoughts, habits, behaviors, and relationships that hinder your growth, and help you become the healthy woman you aspire to be.

I've walked the path you're on, and if you're ready to dive deep and nurture self-love within yourself, you've already taken the first step. Let's embark on this journey together, moving from point A to point B, where you can experience "The Healthy, Happy, and Whole Life."

I'd love to hear from you

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